SAP BASIS Transaction Code SM12

Transaction SM12

By this transaction we monitor the master data or transaction data that is locked exclusively for a particular SAP user id for performing modifications at that point of time. In such case, other users who try to access the same data set will be stopped by the Enqueue service giving information of the data being locked by the User id.

Here in initial screen you can run for a particular user and client or with * we run for all


In the picture it shows at that point of time in client 170, Users who had exclusively accessing data set in SAP for which others cannot modify. The related table and other information is provided also the time from when this is locked. If you double click a line then we get further details like in below picture.
A decision can also be made in case under certain circumstances it makes to delete the lock for the data set. Then we can do it using the icon Delete.


SAP BASIS Transaction Code SM13

Transaction SM13

In this transaction we keep track of the status of the Update service is Active, in case it is not active then we activate from the Update Administrator.

T-Code sm13

T-Code sm13

To monitor the list of updates that have failed we can choose the period using From date and execute either F8 or click the execute button.

T-Code sm13

This lists the information like Client, User, Date, Time, Tcode and Status with the failure of update level.

If any updates failed records are found then, we can determine reason for the failure and contact the user and provide information. After fixing the reason for error, the record status can be reset and Repeat Update can be executed for entry in database Else the record can also be deleted from the listed and the user can post the same transaction for the same data set to get desired update in the database.


SAP BASIS Transaction Code SM04

Transaction SM04


By this transaction we can check how many users are logged into the system and in which client and how many session each user is generated and in each session what transaction is being executed. We also have the time when this session was started. The terminal used by the User, type of connection and the amount of storage space utilized by the user depending upon the transaction and selection options.

T-Code SM04

In this transaction we can pick particular user and end the session if required.