Web service invocation problem caused by Unsupported xstream found ("HTTP Code 404 : Not Found") during SOLMAN_SETUP
During the execution of SOLMAN_SETUP in the SAP Solution Manager 7.1
some activities are failing with the following errors, for example
activities 'Connect Diagnostics Agent to Solution Manager' and
'Configure CA Wily Introscope'.
»Error while calling Diagnostics setup web service. Check note 1822831.«
SOAP:1.007 SRT: Unsupported xstream found: ("HTTP Code 404 : Not Found")
Web service invocation problem on host and
port protocol : http logical port name : LP_WS_MANAGED_SETUP
SOAP:1.007 SRT: Unsupported xstream found: ("HTTP Code 404 : Not found")
Web service invocation problem on host and port
protocol : http logical port name : LP_WS_SMDAGENT_MONITORING
In trouble shooting the function »Ping Web Service« in the transaction SOAMANAGER fails for all Logical Ports of Diagnostics setup with:
»Web service ping failed (RC=404). Service Ping ERROR: Not Found«
»Error while calling Diagnostics setup web service. Check note 1822831.«
SOAP:1.007 SRT: Unsupported xstream found: ("HTTP Code 404 : Not Found")
Web service invocation problem on host
SOAP:1.007 SRT: Unsupported xstream found: ("HTTP Code 404 : Not found")
Web service invocation problem on host
protocol : http logical port name : LP_WS_SMDAGENT_MONITORING
In trouble shooting the function »Ping Web Service« in the transaction SOAMANAGER fails for all Logical Ports of Diagnostics setup with:
»Web service ping failed (RC=404). Service Ping ERROR: Not Found«
- SAP Solution Manager 7.1
- SAP Solution Manager Diagnostics
This error may be caused by distinct issues and this document intends to help you to identify the most common issues.
The Diagnostics web services are intended to communicate the Solution
Manager ABAP stack to the JAVA stack. The ABAP stack holds the
configuration in transaction SOAMANAGER, but the web services are built in the JAVA stack. In the JAVA stack the web services are found in the Web Services Navigator (/wsnavigator). The error described in this document is usually caused by the following issues:
1. Solman's ABAP and JAVA stack do not meet the requirements of note 1483508.
2. ICM does not forward the ABAP requests to the JAVA stack.
The solution manager setup configures the web service's logical ports using the ICM port. Sometimes, the ICM does not work correctly and the requests are not forwarded to the JAVA stack leading to the error 'HTTP code 404 Not found'. To check the ICM execute the following steps.
If you find the entry 'ICM attached to AS Java (SF) = FALSE (0 active nodes)',
it means that the ICM is not attached to the JAVA stack and the
requests will not be forwarded to the JAVA stack. The following
screenshot shows an example:
In this case, check note 1582842 and ensure that the parameters icm/HTTP/j2ee_ and system/type are correctly defined for the solution manager system.
Moreover, to ensure if the ICM is routing correctly the requests to the JAVA stack, it is possible to try to access the default JAVA applications such as 'Netweaver Administrator' (/nwa) or 'Identity Management' (/useradmin) using the ICM port. If these applications can be accessed using the ICM port, it means that the ICM is working correctly.
3. The Logical Ports were created manually in transaction SOAMANAGER.
One more point that causes the problem are manually created webservice ports in the transaction SOAMANAGER.
I. Delete manually created Logical Ports
1. Navigate to Transaction SOAMANAGER.
2. Search by: »Consumer Proxy« / Search pattern: *setup*.
3. Select one and press »Apply Selection«.
4. Select »Configuration«-tab in the »Details of Consumer Proxy«.
5. Compare »Creation Type« of the Logical Port.
6. If it is »Manually Created« delete this Logical Port from the configuration.
II. Recreation of the Logical Ports
1. Navigate to Transaction SOLMAN_SETUP.
2. Scenario System Preparation.
3. Step 4.3 »Enable Web Services«.
4. Run these step once more.
III. Continue
Rerun Basis Configuration step 2.4 »Specify User & Connectivity Data«.
1. Solman's ABAP and JAVA stack do not meet the requirements of note 1483508.
2. ICM does not forward the ABAP requests to the JAVA stack.
The solution manager setup configures the web service's logical ports using the ICM port. Sometimes, the ICM does not work correctly and the requests are not forwarded to the JAVA stack leading to the error 'HTTP code 404 Not found'. To check the ICM execute the following steps.
- Go to transaction SMICM
- Menu Goto
- HTTP Application server
- Display Data.
Moreover, to ensure if the ICM is routing correctly the requests to the JAVA stack, it is possible to try to access the default JAVA applications such as 'Netweaver Administrator' (/nwa) or 'Identity Management' (/useradmin) using the ICM port. If these applications can be accessed using the ICM port, it means that the ICM is working correctly.
3. The Logical Ports were created manually in transaction SOAMANAGER.
One more point that causes the problem are manually created webservice ports in the transaction SOAMANAGER.
I. Delete manually created Logical Ports
1. Navigate to Transaction SOAMANAGER.
2. Search by: »Consumer Proxy« / Search pattern: *setup*.
3. Select one and press »Apply Selection«.
4. Select »Configuration«-tab in the »Details of Consumer Proxy«.
5. Compare »Creation Type« of the Logical Port.
6. If it is »Manually Created« delete this Logical Port from the configuration.
II. Recreation of the Logical Ports
1. Navigate to Transaction SOLMAN_SETUP.
2. Scenario System Preparation.
3. Step 4.3 »Enable Web Services«.
4. Run these step once more.
III. Continue
Rerun Basis Configuration step 2.4 »Specify User & Connectivity Data«.
See Also
1663549 - Unsupported XStream found error
1659135 - Web service invocation problem on the Solman 7.1
1659135 - Web service invocation problem on the Solman 7.1
cannot call diagnostics setup web service error when processing web
service call error when calling SOAP Runtime functions: unsupported
xstream found HTTP Code 404 Not found