SAP General T-Codes
/nxyz Terminates current transaction, and starts transaction xzy
/n Terminates the transaction (corresponds to pressing F15 (=SHIFT-F3) to go back).
/nend Terminates all separate sessions and logs off (corresponds to System - Logoff
/nex Terminates all separate sessions and logs off immediately (without any warning!).
/oxyz Opens a new session and starts transaction xzy in the session.
/o Lists existing sessions and allows deletion or opening of a new session.
/i Terminates the current session (corresponds to System End)
/i1, /i2, ... Terminates the session with the number given. .abc Fast path:
'abc' refers to the underlined letters in the menus.
/h (/hs) Debugging mode (System funct.) search_sap_me nu Can either use T-Code in the search criteria or a description. “*” is not used as wildcard.
S000 SAP main menu
New Session Press SHIFT key and ”*” simultaneously
Start Menu Transaction ”ENTER” when transaction is marked